Lectures Iván López Munuera – HIV/AIDS Discotecture: The Political Space of Epidemics June 19th 2020

Lectures Tom Weaver – A Story for Myself June 19th 2020

Lectures Andrew Toland – Architectures of the Dirty Real: Projects of Affective Realism in Architectural and Landscape Culture August 27th 2020

Lectures Nasrine Seraji – The future of architectural education, challenges and opportunities September 3rd 2020

Lectures David García – QUARANTINE October 1st 2020

Lectures Elizabeth Farrelly – The politics of dissensus August 20th 2020

Lectures Sean Godsell – In Conversation June 19th 2020

Lectures Adrian Lahoud – Rights of Future Generations June 19th 2020

Lectures Andrés Jaque, Office for Political Innovation – Architecture as Rendered Society November 3rd 2020

Lectures PIOVENEFABI – Design Life as a Party October 14th 2020

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